Welcome to
Signum Network Association

Be part of the world first truly sustainable blockchain ecosystems.
We welcome individuals, small and large companies from all over the
world who are interested in the long term global economic and
transformational benefits coming from Signum
technology innovation.

Our mission is to foster growth, collaboration and integrity across the Signum economy.



The Blockchain



The Cryptocurrency



The Symbol/Ticker

Purpose of the
Signum Network Association (SNA)

The Signum Network Association (SNA) promotes the development and awareness of the open-source blockchain Signum (signum.network), which is extremely energy-efficient due to a unique mining process and thus can become an important building block for a sustainable digital future.

The SNA affirms its character and direction by bringing together all direct or indirect stakeholders of the Signum blockchain, e.g. by providing a support platform for the ecosystem on a national and global level.

In furtherance of the Association's purpose, the SNA affirms and upholds an environment that promotes the interests of the Ecosystem, including entrepreneurship, as well as the needs of the information society.
The SNA respects cultural diversity and promotes transparency and collegiality among its members.


of the platform

Significantly drive further development of the Signum Blockchain through direct or indirect funding or payment of projects & developers


of the brand

Development and implementation of promotional activities that help to promote Signum as a truly environmentally friendly blockchain.


of the ecosystem

Fostering current and future application opportunities, business areas and initiatives in the area of Signum blockchain or other related technologies. 

Empowering People

Signum empowers users and developers around the world with innovative blockchain solutions for everyday life. Signum makes it possible to send trustless, peer-to-peer transactions quickly, efficiently, and securely.

Join the movement

We care about our future. Connect with like-minded people.
